Building WP Stoic in public


A quick intro. I'm Karl Cordes. I've been doing all sorts of work on the web for the last ~20 years.

It started off with teaching myself how to use HTML, PHP and Linux in my early teens.

Later I did a degree in Computer Science at UNSW.

My professional career is focused on web applications and Linux systems administration.

I've worked for small businesses, an web development agency (doing lots of WordPress work) and big companies like Yahoo! and Atlassian.

I live in Australia with my wife and 3 year old daughter (with another due in June!! <3 )

Building a business

I've always had the ambition to build a business and have tried a few.

My hard drive has a bunch of half-executed prototypes for various business ideas.

Somehow between work and family life I lose momentum and abandon them, without ever shipping them (but not anymore!)


WordPress is iconic, it has enabled millions of creators and businesses to get on the web.

Running it in production is not always fun though.

Security vulnerabilities, performance and scaling problems are a stressful hassle for people whose job is to do other business work (not to babysit WordPress).

WP Stoic

WP Stoic solves the headaches of running WordPress in production.

WP Stoic provides a private WordPress instance that is used by content creators.

When it's time to publish, a static copy of the website is made and deployed to a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Getting WP Stoic shipped

I'm working hard to get WP Stoic ready for general availability.

Currently it's being beta-tested by some existing hosting customers I have from my freelancing work.

The indiehackers community Building in Public is inspirational. I'll be posting updates here and (and on Indiehackers) with my progress.

Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say G'day, drop me a line at